First Website Team 1998

Our Origonial Website Team 1998

The team got together in August of 1998 and started planning for the site you now see. We had a 233mhz computer, a printer and a scanner from a previous project of the Friends of the Forts group. We learned how to scan our history texts and started serious work mid-Winter. We have learned a lot from this project. It has developed well because we held twice a month meetings to keep progress high.


Marvin Bjornstad, Ron Onusko, Karen Norman, Jim Paxton, Wayne Hymanuk, Lesia Sherwin, Elmer Bjornstad, and Sheila Thompson.

The intent of the project was to renew and kick off community interest in the history that was never gathered, get history gathered about what has taken place in the last 20 years since the writing of the last history text. We also believe that a lot of history can be maintained easily now at a low cost. ( Our total cost to date $70.) This intent is now being realized as we get closer to completion of the project.

A revision was started in 2002 by Marvin Bjornstad and a consultant but it did not accomplish the goals of expanding the website due to lack of time and website organization issues.

Key Benefits

- Renew historical interest
- Educate people of their local history
- Get recent history down when it is easy to do