Elk Point Historical Society 1975


by S.A. Holthe

This history is undoubtedly the brainchild of a number of people, not of any one person. In the first place, the concept of a locally written history is not new, and the fact that the project got under way so speedily must justify the conclusion that everyone who subsequently became involved had already decided that the book should be written. All that was needed was that the proposal be articulated and we were into the project immediately.

A public meeting was advertised for September 4, 1975, in the F.G. Miller High School. On that occasion it was resolved that we should pursue the goal of formation of a Historical or Heritage Association or Society.

A temporary seven member executive committee was elected to supervise the next steps and to become informed regarding the possible directions and roles of the society if it indeed became a reality.

Two further committees were elected - a History Committee and a Heritage Committee, each of which was to investigate and to look into the area designated by its title.

The above committees were to conduct inquiry and assessment activities and were to report back at the following meeting with information and/or recommendations.

The Museum Committee interviewed Mr. S. Andrishak and learned from him that it was his intention to pursue the acquisition of a more suitable facility on his own. Accordingly, any consideration of that project was postponed until the history could be completed.

All potential grants, including L.I.P., Secretary of State, Canada Council, Alberta Culture and New Horizons, were considered and pursued where practical.



Sid Holthe


The Elk Point Historical Society was organized in 1975 by those interested in the presentation of local history. Under the able chairmanship of Sid Holthe, the first major project, the history of Elk Point and district, was completed in December, 1977. The 1977 supplement to that book was the next project, now nearing completion.

If you are interested in the kind of work this society is doing, why don't you join? The membership fee is only $10.00. The annual general meeting is in November, but you could join at any time by contacting Martin Aarbo or Lawrence Modin. Membership is open to any former or present resident, and your support would be appreciated.