Looking back at Elk Point, 1927
by Steve Andrishak, Museum curator and historian
WE'VE GROWN SINCE THEN - Elk Point as it looked in 1927.
The above photo, courtesy of Allan Berg, was taken from the top of the United Grain Growers elevator in 1927, the year that the Canadian National Railroad arrived in Elk Point and district. At that time, most of our hamlet was located in the east portion of today's town - it was centered in the area near the crossroads of Highway 41 and 50th Avenue.
This photo shows the original Imperial Lumber Co. which sat on the lot where Nick Bochon's residence now stands. To the east was the Alberta Hotel (now the Elk Point Hotel) which was nearing completion. To the north stood the Hayward Lumber Co. which was built on the lot where Phil's Hardware is now located. To the extreme north end stood Markstad's Store (where Wolanuk's store is located) and immediately across the road to the east stood Markstad's Ford agency and IFIC Implement shop. Markstad was the first to locate on our present Main Street location. He did so shortly after fire in 1.922 destroyed his premises in the east portion of town. A number of other buildings were also destroyed at that same time.
The lone residence shown in the centre of the photo shows the newly constructed home of Wm. Andrishak. Soon after this photo was taken he moved his small general store onto the lot now occupied by Stedmans. Many other businesses moved a short time later so they could be near the C. N. Station.
In case you are wondering what the building connected to the north side of the hotel was, it was a two story "outhouse," It stood about 25 feet high and about 16 feet wide. A walk connected the upper story to the top floor of the hotel and the lower floor had a similar entrance. Had there been a Guinness Book of Records in 1927, Elk Point might have been listed in it for having the biggest known outhouse.