

Elk Point has had many writers in its short existence, some amateur and some professional. We hope to bring you many interesting excerpts from these writers such as:

Steve Andrishak - former theatre owner and lifetime historical collector. Steve also contributed historical articles (Our Past) to the local paper, the Elk Point Review. Steve's private museum is one of the best private collections in Alberta.

Joe Jacobson - Joe, a teacher, created a monograph in the 1940s for his students on the history of Elk Point. We have tried to faithfully reproduce it.

J.H. (Gay) Heffernan - wrote a history of early homesteading near Alsask in 1911, followed by his reminiscences of life as an infantryman in World War I, and his return to homesteading near Oyen prior to a move to Ferguson Flats near Elk Point.

F.G. Miller Long time doctor in Elk Point who writes of his early days in Owen Sound Ontario, his homesteading near Vermilion Alberta , his days at McGill in 1913, his early medical practise in Elk Point in 1921 and the life in Elk Point up to the 50s and 60s. Some other family writings and photos are included (under development)

Billie Milholland Reading, writing and researching Western Canadian History has been Billie’s pre-occupation since childhood. 

Tom Johnson  This section has 2 accounting journals that Tom did. One is his meticulous personal records for 1906 to 1912 which start when he lived on the outskirts of Dublin (done in British funds) and show the switch to being a Canadian homesteader in 1910. A second set of ledgers show personal expenses from 1928 to 1970 (well after he retired) as well as payments to him to 1973.

Family histories

As families finish their histories we shall add to that which we originally published in Reflections in 1976, in the Supplement in 1977 and on this website in 1999.