2024 Year in Review

Work on the St. Paul/Elk Point Regional Master Trails Strategy w/ RC Strategies.

Introduction to the newly formed Alberta Wagon Trekkers Association And presented at their  AGM. 

Received Trans Canada Trail funding of $1,250.00 towards picnic tables.

Managed spring fire restrictions, bans and OHV bans on all trails.

Applying to Trans Canada trail for up to $10,000.00 for creating a plan for capacity, volunteerism and succession for the organization. - - - - - - Applying to Trans Canada Trail for 2024 funding for staging area design plans for 3 communities (Smoky Lake, Heinsburg and Bonnyville). Also working with one of the municipalities to see if we can do a regional ACP grant to cover the matching dollar requirement for the three designs.

Finalized the outhouse plan for RRTS. We will install two concrete vaults at Middle Creek, one at Mooswa, one at Ashmont and purchase one portable for Edouardville. New signage going in as well. 

Animal signage

We are close to having a sign order ready to go which includes signs for: Beaver River Trestle bylaw and wayfinding. A proposal will be sent to the M.D. of Bonnyville for the management of the blue highway signs.

QR Code Signs

QR Codes to access the trail app and self-registration so we can try to get some information on how many people are using the trail. In addition, the County of St. Paul will put out some traffic counters periodically to help us gather information on how many users there are.

Summer mowing was done everywhere.

Summer Mowing

Provided Volunteers for Oct. 12th video and photo session with Lisa Roper Outdoors filming of trip to Heinsburg.

NE Municorr RIde

The trail ride had 16 people participate in the ride from Cold Lake to St. Paul including the CAO, Public Works Director, Parks & Recreation Director and two councillors from the M.D. of Bonnyville. There was good representation from the other municipalities as well. An overall good ride with lots of discussion about the good parts of the trail and where work needs to be done.

City of Cold Lake announcement supporting ATV access City wide that appeared on the Cold Lake Snowmobile Club Facebook page

Worked to set up the outhouse repair/replacement work for Ashmont, Middle Creek, Mooswa and Edouardville. County of St Paul Public Works donated labor and vehicles to make it happen.

ToiletsMore toilets

The Iron Horse Ultra 100 Race is taking place over the Oct. 4th weekend between St. Paul and Elk Point.

Booth at show

Had a booth at the Alberta Snowmobile & Powersports Show and attended the awards banquet.

Met with M.D. of Bonnyville to assess work needed at the Fort Kent t