May 28/13 - Mrs. James Hunter saw Mr. Morrison, secretary of the Vermilion Board of Trade, in regard to opening a telegraph station ai Caseyville. The Board massed a resolution in favor of the proposal some months ago and had forwarded to the proper authorities, Mrs. Hunter was assured her application would be approved and that the office would be opened in we near future. The people at Caseyville are expecting a rural telephone line to be built in this summer. The telegraph office will be in charge of Mrs. Hunter.
June 2/09 -Somebody has reported a new breed of flea, it differs from the ordinary now you see me, now you don't flea, in that the size of the red mark where the lump is raised, it is said that when it bites it growls.
An Elk Point Fair Sept, 17/13 2nd annual fair Standard is printing 520 copies of prize lists.
Aug. 13/13-Chas. Hood has been appointed Notary Public
The second annual fair at Elk Point held last week was an unqualified success, The day was perfect and the attendance large. The number of exhibits was considerable in excess of last year showing. that the district is progress and becoming more thickly populated. The collection of fancy work was truly splendid and the judges had endless difficulty in awarding marks of merit. The farm produce department was also replete with fine healthy exhibits proving beyond question the wonderful fertility of the soil in that section of the country. There was a splendid exhibition of cattle, horses, swine, sheep. Luncheon was served on the grounds and in the evening a dance was held. The exhibition represented the district north of the Saskatchewan River from St. Paul to Cold Lake. It is among the most fertile in Western Canada and excels in mixed farming,-
Brood mare with foal on side-A. Whitworth, J.B. Caskey
Team of heavy horses- W.K.’ Chillbeck, J.F. Mabley
Team of light horses - J.F.Mabley
Mare, 2-year-old heavy- O. J. Fish, Wm Mabley
Mare, 2-year-old driving- F.G. Howard, Lawrence Mabley
Mare 1 year old, heavy - J.B. Caskey, O.J. Fish
Mare 1 year old, Driving - J.B. Caskey, J.A. Lambright
Sucking colt, heavy - J. B.’ Caskey, '.7m. Mabley
Sucking Colt, light -J.A. Lambright, J.B. Caskey
Saddle horse in saddle - Mrs, A.J. Chillbeck, J.F* Mabley
Team Mules - Warren Mabley, Lawrence Mabley
Bull milk strain-0. J.- Fish, J.F. Mabley
Grade Bull - John Lakness
Cow beef strain-C.M. Magnusson, W.F. Wolfe
Cow milk strain-Sam Mabley, J.G.' Arthur
Yearling heifer beer strain-Mrs. A.J. Chillbeck, H. Ramsbottom
Yearling heifer beef strain-H. Ramsbottom, W.K, Chillbeck
Yearling heifer milk strain-7/. K. Chillbeck, J.G. Arthur
Yearling steer-H. Ramsbottom, Tom Aarbo
Bull calf under 6 months-J.G. Arthur, C.M.: Magnusson
Heifer calf under 6 months- W.F. Wolfe, C.M. Magnusson
Yoke Qxen-Jess G. Pool, G. Hanson
Sow with litter- John Lakeness
Sow any breed- Tom Aarbo, O.J. Fish
Pig 6 months old- J. F. Mabley, C . Hood
3 owes- C. Hood, J.F. Mabley
3 lambs- J. F. Mabley, C. Hood
Ram-Sam Mabley, C. Hood
Plymouth Rock—E.H. Arnott
Rhode Island Reds-Mr. J. Green, Wm Mabley
Turkeys-Mrs. Jo F. Mabley, Mrs. J. D. Caskey
Geese- Mrs. A. Lambright
Ducks- Mrs. Jo Bo Caskey, Warren Caskey
Guineas- Wm Mabley
Doves- Romanz Fish, Warren Caskey
Sheaf of Wheat- O.J. Fish, John Monrow
Sheaf of Rye- J.F. Mabley
Sheaf of Barley - O.J. Fish, J.F. Mabley
Shoaf of Oats- O.J. Fish, J.F. Mabley
Sheaf of Flax- W.K . Wolfe
Peck of Wheat- J.F. Mabley, W.K. Wolfe
Peck of Rye- J.F. Mabley
Peck of Barley - O.J. Fish
Peck of Oats- O.J. Fish, W.F. Wolfe
Peck of Flax - W. J. Wolfe
Best collection of Prizes on grain - J.F. Mabley
3 lbs. butter John Lakness, Mrs. C.M. Magnusson
1 gal. crock butter-Mrs. O.J. Fish, John Lakness
Cheese - Mrs. A. Lambright
Sponge Cake-Mrs. L. Plummer, Mrs. J.F. Mabley
1 doz. cookies-Mrs. J.F. Mabley, Mrs. F.A. Lampert
Bread of any flour-Mrs. F.A. Lampert, Mrs. J.F. Mabley
Home Canned Fruit-Mrs. L. Plummer
Collection of home made candies-Mrs. F. Van Arnam, M.K. Wolfe
Best collection of prizes of home ma de products- Mrs. F.A. Lampert, Mrs. J.F. Mabley
Best 6 white potatoes-J.G. Arthur
Best 6 red potatoes-John Monrow, Albert Morse
Best 6 long beets-Mrs. C.M. Magnusson, Mrs. Roy Caskey
Best 6 round beets-Mrs. J.G. Pool, Mrs. Geo. Gobin
Best 6 short carrots-Mrs. L. Plummer, Mrs. S.D. Smith
Best long carrots- Mrs. C.M. Magnusson, Mrs. J.G. Pool
Beat 5 parsnips-Mrs. J.G. Pool, Mrs. C.'M.' Magnusson
Best 6 long radish-Mrs. C.M. Magnusson
Best 6 short radish-Mrs. Wm. Mabley, Mrs. J.'A. Lambright
Best 6 red onions-Mrs. J. Earl, Mrs. J.G. Pool
Best 6 yellow onions-Mrs. J.’ Earl, Mrs. C.M. Magnusson
Best J marrows-J.E. Chilbeck, Mrs. F. ^avis
Best 3 cauliflowers. J.’B. Caskey, Mrs. J.G. Pool
Best 3 white cabbage- W.J. Strayer, Mrs. Roy Caskey
Best 3 red cabbage-Mrs. C.M. Magnusson, Mrs, Deil
Celery-Mrs. A. Lambright, Mrs. J.G. Pool
Quart of peas in pod-Mrs. L. Plummer, Mrs. C.M, Magnusson
Best head of lettuce-Mrs. J. Earl, Mrs. C.D. Smith
Best 6 sticks of rhubarb- Mrs. W. Mabley, Mrs. J.G. Pool
Best 6 Swede Turnips – Mrs J Montow, Mrs J.G. Pool
Best 6 white turnips – Mrs J. Earl
Best 6 red mangels-Mrs. C. Magnusson
best 6 sugar beets- Mrs. J.G. Pool, Mrs. Wm Mabley
Best 6 cucumbers- W,J, Strayer, Mrs* L≫ Green
Best collection of prizes of home-grown vegetables-Mrs. J.G. Pool
Silk piece quilt-Mrs. John Monrow, Mrs. G. Davis
Cotton Piece quilt- Mrs. J.B. Caskey, Mrs. A. Lambright
Home made rug-Hrs. John Monrow, Miss L. Green
Pair pillow cases -Mrs. C.A. Johnson, Mrs. J. B. Caskey
Pair towels-Mrs. O.J. Pish, Mrs., C.A. Johnson
Centre Piece-Mrs. John Monrow, F.G. Howard
Waist-Floy Howard, Hrs. J. Monrow
Cushion-Mrs. Wm. Schancel, Mrs. J. Monrow
Knitting-Mrs. Wm Mabley, Mrs, I. Green
Slumber robe-Mrs. J. Monrow, Mrs. A. Whitworth
Crocheting-Mrs. L. Plummer, Mrs. J. F. Mabley
Tatting- Mrs. J.F. Bullis, Mrs. G.E. Burroway
Best collection of wild grasses-Leo Young, Miss Ruby Price
Best collection of wildflowers-Mrs. L. Plumber, Emma Magnusson
Best examples of Taxidermy- Martin Johnson
Best piece of homemade furniture-Mrs. F.A. Lampert
Best burnt wood designs-Mrs. L. Green, Floy G, Howard
Most skilfully made wooden article- Mrs. F.A. Lampert, Hiss. D, Danielson
- Best example of photography-Floy G. Howard, Miss D. Danielson
Best specimen of school work on paper- Emma Magnusson, Mildred Markstad .
No. 1-By O.J. Fish, Phil Dillar, Tom Aarbo
No. 3-By Robert Simpson Co.-Mrs. Mabley, Mrs. L.! Green, Mrs. L. Green, Mrs. L. Green, Mrs.' L. Green, Mrs. Wm Schancel Mrs. J, B. Caskey
Special No.4-By J.B. Caskey & Sons— O.J, Fish
Special No. 6—T. Eaton Co. Ltd.-Mrs, L. Green
Special No.7-Stephens Bros.-Mrs. C. Magnusson, Mrs. J.G. Pool
Special No. 8-A.E. McKenzie Seed-Mrs. J.G. Pool
Special No. 10-by Steele Briggs Seed Co,: Mrs. C.M. Magnusson
Special No. 11 by A. E.' Potter Seed Co.-E.H. Arnott
Special No. 12 by Star Realty Co.-John Lakness, Mrs. C.M. Magnusson
Special No. 13 by Carig Bros.-Mrs. Julius Young
Special No. 14 by Seed & Yungbloot-Miss D.' Danielson, Floy G. Howard
Embroidery-Miss D. Danielson, Mrs. A. Whitworth
Shadow Embroidery-F. G. Howard, Miss D. Danielson
Eyelet Embroidery-Miss D. Danielson, Mrs. D.D. Smith
Wallachion embroidery-Miss D. Danielson, Mrs. L. Green
Montmellick embroidery-Floy G. Howard, Miss D.' Danielson
Queen Anne Darning-Mrs. L. Plummer
Drawn work-Mrs. L. Plummer, Mrs. J.B. Caskey
Best collection of prizes in fancy work -Mrs. J. Monro, Roy G. Howard
Dec. 31/13 - Caskey Post Office - The Christmas tree committee certainly deserves great credit for the manner in which the Richland school house was decorated for the hall Christmas Eve. The affair was immensely Enjoyed by the large crowd.
Miss Nellie Martindale competed a very successful year at Richland school and gave the children a lovely treat.
Roy S. Caskey has returned home to spend the holidays after 4 months in B.C.
Jerome Earle has returned from a weekend spent in Edmonton. Miss Jessie McKewen former teacher at Richland is spending her holidays at the Caskey home after completing her Normal course. She has accepted a school near Lethbridge.
Marion Caskey is home during holidays but will return to Vermilion School Jan. 5th.
O.J. Fish’s baby has been quite sick for several days. - Fred Van Arnam's little boy has had a very sore throat for the last week.
Lester Smith’s absence from his homestead for the past few months was not in vain. He has just returned from Dakota with his bride. He think others will follow suit soon.
Mr. & Mrs. Robinson have been visiting the latter’s father, Mr. Fred Cook for the past few weeks.