Beginning of the Arena
by Ray Hellquist and Marvin Bjornstad
In the late 1960's quite a lot of the Elk Point community got quite interested in discussions about a covered rink. —Many young players were playing in other towns: Marwayne, Dewberry and St Paul in covered rinks. —Hockey's popularity was growing but the outdoor rink did not meet needs of growing young group. —Winter travel was becoming easier and more common. —More discussion of a covered rink was in the air. Hockey moms like Marion Tredger and Helen Petrosky were asking questions of town officials.
Governments address Recreation
—The AB Government allows towns to form Recreation Boards in 1968. —Elk Point creates Rec Board in Sept 6, 1968 with Ed Pankiw, Des Berghofer, Bill Millholland, Ray Hellquist, Orin Davis as members. —They managed the outdoor rink with help from hockey personnel: Bill Babenek, Jim Tredger, Gabe Dumont, Don Moneta, Barry Maas and Randy Kulczycki. This group was paid $125 to take care of rink for the year. A survey of recreation needs of Elk Point was done. An arena was seen as a prominent need.

Tom Thumbs 1971 - 1972