Vermilion Standard Elk Point News 1925


Feb. 23/25 - On Thursday evening last a most highly enjoyable social event took place at Elk Point, when Mrs. Hood entertained at six o'clock. Dinner guests present were Mr. & Mrs. O.J. Fish, Mr. & Mrs. J. Millar, Mr. & Mrs. E.A. Bullis and Mr. & Mrs. George Shortridge. Whist, Music and radio entertainment were much appreciated and a delicious lunch was served at a late hour.

March 11/25 - J.B. Monkman, mail driver, left last week for Edmonton to undergo a 2 weeks treatment for spine trouble. Mr. Monkman has been handling the Elk Point mail route for the past 12 years without a break, and during that period has driven a distance equal to several trips around the world.

March 18/25 — Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pinder of Elk Point entertained at their country home on Monday evening a number of guest in honour of their 20th wedding anniversary. cards and music were the entertainment and a two-course lunch was served.

April 1/25-General news items

                  Commencing April 1st Income Tax will be collected by collectors of Customs and Excise.

May13/25 - G. J. Algot and family who have been residing in Vancouver for the past several months left Tuesday for their old home at Angle Lake north of Vermilion

May 20/25-News items of interest

            A.C, Demers, local carriage builder announced that he has sold 4 buggies and two democrats.

Oct, 8/25- News item of interest

            Campaign launched by The Retail Trade Bureau of Canada to abolish Income Tax.

July 1/25 -Born at the Elk Point hospital on Thursday June 25th to Mr. & Mrs. Harold Dorey of Landonville, a daughter.

July 1/25 Date line Winnipeg, Man.

           "St. Paul line to be built without delay. C.N. R. calls for tenders for clearing and grading 21 miles"

July 29/25-Townsite at Elk Point said to be selected, the line to run about J miles east where a Y will be constructed. Some think the townsite will be here. Further regarding the railway-Outfit said to be in St. Paul de Metis ready for work.' People are elated to finally have railway facilities.

           Lieut. E. Arnott of Elk Point, visitor in town, reports crops good.