by Bea Sumpton
The Order of the Eastern Star in Elk Point does not report their activities to the news media on a regular basis, nevertheless the Chapter has held well attended monthly meetings plus an extra June meeting for the official visit of the Worthy Grand Matron of Alberta,
Sister Isabelle Norrie. By special dispensation this June meeting was held in the Sanctuary of the United Church, which provided a beautiful setting for this very special meeting.
The ceremony of installation to instal the new officers for Margret Rose Chapter No.121 0. E. Star was held on Wednesday December 15, 1976. The slate of officers for 1977 was as follows: Worthy Matron, Donna Babcock; Worthy Patron, Larry Babcock; Associate Matron, Bea Williams; Associate Patron, John Williams; Secretary, Bea Sumpson; Treasurer, Irene Miller; Conductress, Jean Johnston; Associate Conductress, Shirley Hendriks; Chaplain, Frank Johnston; Marshal, Audrey Willmer; Organist, Olive Berg; Adah, Joan Palamarek; Ruth, Elaine Zayonce; Esther, Evelyn Babcock; Martha, Lena Stepa; Electa, Elizabeth Didow; Warden Alvina Schuhmacher; Sentinel, Orolin Hunt.
BACK ROW, Left to Right: Laverne Wilson, John Williams, Orolin Hunt, Larry Babcock, Leon Babcock.
THIRD ROW: Olive Berg, Colleen Sharkey, Donna Babcock, Bea Williams.
SECOND ROW: Irene Miller, Joan Palamarek, Jean Johnston, Bea Sumpton.
FRONT ROW: Evelyn Babcock, Lena Stepa, Elisabeth Didow, Shirley Hendriks, Elaine Zayonce.
The installation ceremonies were under the direction of Past Matron Audrey Willmer assisted by Past Matron Agnes Hunt and Past Patron Marvin Willmer. Other installing officers were Chaplain Joan Palamarek, Marshall John Williams, Organist Olive Berg, Warden, Leon Babcock, Sentinel Laverne Wilson, and Conductress Colleen Sharkey.
While Margaret Rose Chapter is not a service club, the members donate to worthy causes. The 0. E. Star supports homes at Lethbridge, Calgary, Edmonton and Grande Prairie for Eastern Star Senior Citizens. We also donate to the Worthy Grand Matron's project, which in 1977 was the Kidney Foundation.
Each month there is a committee to report if any of the members are in the hospital or sick at home. Flowers or plants are given to the sick members. Members visit the sick and take cards or send them.
Since April 1977 was the twentieth anniversary of Margret Rose Chapter, a special program was arranged for that meeting. Letters were mailed to all charter members. Anna May Slater of Edmonton (A life member of Margret Rose), Grace LaBoucane of St. Paul, Bernice and Nels Colter of Kaslo, B. C. are some charter members who were present to take part in the program.
(Mrs ) Irene Miller, Grand Representative to Rhode Island for Eastern Star, in Alberta.
In February Irene Miller, Past Matron, was appointed Grand Representative of Rhode Island in Alberta. Bea Sumpton had just completed her three year appointment as Grand Representative of Ontario in Alberta. Many members enjoy visiting neighboring chapters and we all enjoy hosting return visits from Cold Lake, Vermilion and Vegreville.
In early December the members of Margret Rose had a table at the Flea Market held in the Elk's Hall. This venture proved quite successful