Feb. 6/18-26 Stacks of mail for Elk Point Route on Tuesday, this despite the fact that carrier Monkman makes two trips a week. The mail over the Elk Point route goes out twice a week, this is a north mail and serves some 8 or 10 offices, the Landonville route, northeast, is also -a twice a week service and has a number of offices on the trail.
Mayl5/18-G. A. Caskey of Elk Point is operating an auto truck between that place and Vermilion for handling freight.
June 7/18-Elk Point sports Monday drew an enormous crowd to the wide awake and flourishing burgh to the north. Baseball, other sports and a sale of donated goods filled in the afternoon, while the big drawing card for the evening centered in the Vermilion Minstrels-they received a great reception and their show brought down the house. The day’s proceeds amounted to the sum $503.00
June 12/18-Born to Mr. & Mrs. P.J. Keitges of Elk Point on Monday June 10 a daughter Dolores Elizabeth.
This was the year of the flu, Victory Bonds and Victory Loan