Feb, 18/14-A big public sale of horses cattle, implements and household effects is billed for Thursday March 5, to take place at Hopkins terry on the Saskatchewan River.
April 8/14 O.J. Fish of Elk Point was in town this week and reports , that the direction of the Fair is intended to be held this year about the middle of Sept, on 5-57-6. To show the great growth of we society it is intended to offer $500.00 in prizes for the 3rd annual Exhibition.
May 20/14 - H. Louci de Delly of Mooswa has been appointed a game guardian.
June 3/14 - Died on May 1914 at the age of 90, Mrs. Samuel Mabley at the home of her son, Mr. J. Mabley of Hopkins, Alta. In the year 1850 she was united in marriage to Samuel Mabley and to this union has been added 5 children, four of which are living and with we mourning the loss of a loving wife and mother. During the last 18 months the deceased has been confined to her room. She has manifested a marked degree of patience. She was laid to rest in the little cemetery in the above district on Sunday afternoon, where over a hundred people paid their last respects to one whom they had learned to esteem. The service was conducted by Pastor W.A. Clemensen of Edmonton.
Aug, 12/14 -The Elk Point Agricultural Society has ordered 400 prize lists from this office for their third annual fair and exhibition. 300 have been sent to Chas. Hood in Friday’s mail, the other 100 will be distributed from this office to save time as the fair is but a month away. Prize list is very much fuller than previous years. Some $600.00 is being awarded by the society in the main lines of stock and agricultural products. This society is only in its third year and will bear favorable comparison with older associations elsewhere in the province. Program consists of horse racing, foot racing and ball tournament for which substantial cash prizes are advertised. (Interesting note here owing to the strict censorship, war news is difficult to obtain, lacking confirmation. Bear in mind that this is 1914. War was declared on Aug. 4th same year.)
Advertisement appearing on same date-$10.00 reward offered leading to the recovery of non sorel mare 6 years old, weight about 950 lbs. four white legs, white face, branded 171 on thigh. W.D. Shepard S.E. 16-57-7 Elk Point. Those wishing a prize list of the Elk Point fair may obtain one by calling at the Standard office.
Sept.9/14 -Owing to heavy rains commencing Sunday and continuing to Wed. afternoon without cessation, the edition of this paper was held up in the north country until Thursday, the work of publication this week suffered thereby.