by Margaret Modin
The Canadian Sunday School Mission does not carry on a church work as such in this community at this time. During 1977 the main thrust in this area was in camp work. The Mission held three camps beginning the last couple of days in June.
The first camp was a four day camp for families, attended by 59 campers and was an opportunity for the whole family to study God's Word together, play together and just plain relax together. This was a delightful camp at which many of the campers shared in the experience of cooking.
The Teen Camp was attended by 76 young people who came to study the Word and fellowship together on water and land for six full days. Evening Chapel was sometimes held in the Chapel and sometimes around the campfire; but it was always a challenging time, for Camp '77 had as its speaker a young man of varied experiences in God's vineyard. He was born and spent a number of his early years with his parents on the Mission field of Africa, came back to Canada to Bible School where he also spent a number of years as Dean of Boys. Now he is looking forward to service on the Mission field in Africa himself.
The Junior Camp had an attendance of 99 campers. Facilities were stretched to the limit, and food was prepared and assimilated in great quantity. This camp had the same young man as speaker of the evening but in addition a missionary lady was on hand to help with the spiritual feeding of these little ones.
It was with much disappointment that the Wilderness Camp had to be postponed to 1978 due to the fact that sufficient adult leadership was not available. This has proven to be a much enjoyed experience of the older camper in the last few years.
Does it all sound like a lot of work?... Well, it is... but such a joy and so rewarding. One can go on staff and come away feeling refreshed.
Folk who wish to attend service of the Canadian Sunday School Mission attend the Mission Church in St. Paul or the Fellowship Chapel in Bonnyville. Both of
these churches have an active Sunday School, Adult Bible Study, Young Peoples and Missionary Outreach.