by Virginia Pankiw
Activities of the Elk Point Order of the Royal Purple Lodge No.269 during 1977 include presentation of a layette to the first baby of the New Year, donation to the Brownies, donation to the Children's Ward, donations to two families who lost their homes by fire, donation to the National Charity of the Elks and O.O.R.P. - the Purple Cross Fund. Seven new sisters were initiated into the lodge, bringing the total membership to fifty-three. In April, District 8A district meeting was held, in Derwent with District Deputy Eleanor Bjornstad presiding at the meeting. Incoming District Deputy E. Martin inspected the lodge in November with Two Hills and Lloydminster lodge members in attendance. Three functions jointly sponsored with the Elks were the Lodge Mixed Bonspiel, the Sports Day and the Lodge Christmas Party. In the May joint installation with the Elks Lodge the new officers were installed The officers for the year were:
Honored Royal Lady-Madeline Stepa
Immediate Past Honored Royal Lady-Lillian Ewasiuk
Associate Royal Lady-Alvina Schuhmacher
Loyal Lady-Betty Radies
Lecturing Lady-Vera Romanchuk
Secretary-Eleanor Bjornstad
Treasurer-Mary Bochon
Trustee-Leatha Ockerman
Historian-Virginia Pankiw
Chaplain-Adeline Zenko
Conductress-Iryne Buck
Inner Guard-Rose Kozicky
Outer Guard-Mary Kinjerski
Pianist-Olive Berg
Honored Lady, (Mrs.) Lena Stepa, presenting a cheque on behalf of the Order of the Royal Purple to Mr. and Mrs. Mike Boyko whose home was destroyed by fire.
The Hosptial Auxilary Home Bake Table at the Flea Market, sponsored by the Elk Point O.O.R.P.