Moose Ranch, Feb. 9/10 -On Jan. 27, 25 to 30 men met at Chas. Hood’s and organized a local improvement district. Some came with mules, some with horses, some on skiis, and some on oxen.
Mr. Pinder expects to lose both eyes next summer-he just made a trade for a yoke of oxen with long horns.
Moose Ranch, Mar. 16/10 b-Talk of changing the fast mail route from Caskeyville to E.P. Tyrol and all points east so they will be able to send a letter to Vermilion in 1 week instead of two weeks.
Geo. Shortridge made a trip last Wed. to Hopkins P.O. on skiis!
John Robinson is the Post Master.
J.B. Caskey of Caskeyville has secured the mail carrying contract now held by PR Leveille and will commence his duty immediately.
April 6, 1910 - George Shortridge stated Elk Point now has telegraph communication with the outside world. The government has established a station with E.O. Boyd in charge.
Apr. 20/10 Wiebe’s Flour Mill started
May 11/1910-The new store of J. Valentine at Hopkins was consumed by a prairie fire Friday last; Mr. Valentine had just installed a $2000.00 stock and was in shape to do business. ho insurance was carried. He will restock.
May 18, 1910 - Surveyors are here - a wagon road is being surveyed west from Mooswa. The School Inspector from Vermilion was out to choose a site for the school, Elk Point district must now have a population of about 400.
June 13/10 -Gov, surveyors are surveying road north of 28-56-7.
June 15/10 There was a picnic west of the Hunter place.
June 20, 1910 - The Government Survey Yacht, a stern-wheeler, plying the river from Edmonton to Winnipeg, passed here. We presume it will be some time before the river will be navigable for steamboats. We are all eager for that time to come.
July 20/10 -The school board of E.P.: school district have now decided to build their school house on wheels so they can move it once a week so as to satisfy all parties concerned.
Hopkins, July 27/10 - The steamer Edmonton, due to arrive last Wed., July 12 has met with an accident up the river and may be unable to proceed further.
Hopkins Aug 3/10 J.S. Valentine of Hopkins Trading Co. took out several loads of stock today. While in town he left another order for printing at this office, reporting trade good.
Hopkins, Aug, 10/10 -Work on the road from Moose to E.P. and south to Hopkins is going ahead.
Moose Ranch - M, Thompson, Presbyterian Minister, preached at J.D. Hunter’s residence last Sunday. Good attendance.
There will be, in the near future, a ferry boat put in the river on the town line near C.D. Smith’s place, where it should have been 5 years ago.
Elk Point - Romanzo Fish is going to school at Tyrol
Moose Ranch – Aug. 17/10 - Attendance at church at Hunter's increases.
In a few days a ferry on the town line which will give, us a straight trail to Vermilion will be in. Just what we need - instead of going 5- or 6 miles in a round-about way to get there.
Sept. 7/10, Hopkins -F. Pinder and family are at present taking an outing near Moose Mountain gathering cranberries and blueberries.
Lawrence Mabley has his house on his homestead, N.E. 1/4 Sec. l completed.
P.J. Keitges is putting up hay on his land, S.E.1/4 Sec. l, he purchased of Western Land Co.
Moose Ranch Sept,7/10/3—Special church services held at the hone of J.D. Hunter last Sunday. Rev, Wm. Simons of Vermilion and Rev. Reid, overseer for Alberta, conducted services.
Died - At St. Paul des Metis, Jul 30 last, the Elk Point baseball team. Cheer up boys, a lady manager next year.
The Elk Point schoolhouse is nearing completion.
The world is getting better. E.E. Boyd plays violin for church services now, it being his first offense in those parts, he managed to escape arrest.
The government telegraph Co.' have just lately installed an office at Frog Lake, Mrs. Harry Bowtell is operator. That is doing good. We are not altogether out-classed in these parts.
Messrs. Smith, Lambright, Bullis, and Shortridge are the business committee to push work on the church building.
Sept. 14/10-Harry and Fred Smith of Elk Point left town on the 10th with supplies for a 3 month hunting trapping trip into the north. They will leave the Saskatchewan in about 2 weeks and drive to Cold Lake whence they will proceed with pack horses to a point come 250 miles north of here. They expect to return in about 1 year.
Oct 26/10 - C.J. Markstad of Elk Point spent the weekend in Vermilion.
Nov /10- Alex Baudry and Herman Gervais arrived in Vermilion Saturday from the M. Hopkins survey party which has been working East and North of Cold Lake.
Hopkins-Nov. 9/10 - J. Pool is erecting a house on his homestead, Sec. 18-57-6. He arrived recently from Minnesota.
Wm. McBride is building a house for Mrs. Stockwell on her homestead N.E. 24-56-8
Dec, 14/10 Hopkins - Miss Mary Ross resigned as Post Mistress and J.S. Valentine is to fill her place.
A petition to have the mail come from Vermilion semi-weekly instead of Weekly has been circulated.
There is to be a school election Dec.16 to elect 3 trustees, and there is a possibility it may be legal.' (Richland School) Two elections have already been held and declared illegal in some matter and should the chronic kicker desire, we doubt not, but that he will find some error in the next meeting. Two years have elapsed since our district was formed and at present, we are no nearer a school than last time.
Dec.21/10 - Chas. Hood of Elk Point, North of the Saskatchewan River, marketed 1000 lbs. of wool in Vermilion Saturday. Mr. Hood is an extensive sheep raiser and progressive settler, his admiration for Teddy Roosevelt being no detriment to him in this respect. He has also recently purchased a quarter section of land (160A.) adjoining his farm for $2000.00 cash. When it is noted that the nearest railway yet is 45 miles distant from this settlement and a river to cross by ferry as well, an idea can be obtained of relative land values.