Skate-a-thon 1973


It's not true that Alf Fakely at 62, the oldest participant in the Skate-A-Thon was carried off the ice because he was unable to walk. He kept up a steady pace of two laps per minute during the allotted thirty minutes, to earn a whopping $400.20 for the arena fund. The Skate-A-Thon was sponsored by the Elk Point Figure Skating Club and took in $2500.00.

Skate-a-thon a success

St Paul Journal March 1973

ELK POINT — A Skate-a-thon, sponsored by the Elk Point Figure Skating Club on Sunday, March 3 and Monday, March 4, realized a whopping $2850.00 for the arena fund.

Forty-six skaters, ranging in age from four years to sixty-three took part, skating for one-half hour each.

Mr. Alf Fakely of Lindbergh, the oldest participant, skated sixty laps at $6.67 per round for a total of $400.20, to take home the trophy for the most earned and the most pledged per lap.

Lonnie Mudryk of Elk Point received the trophy for the most laps — ninety in one-half hour. Runners-up in the most-laps category were Lorn Berg with eighty-eight and Ricky Pankiw with eighty.

Runners-up for most money per lap were Ed Soldan with $2.51 and Audrey Holliday with $2.14. For total money earned, runners-up were Ed Soldan with $198.27 and Tony Bochon with $143.12.

All the skaters are to be congratulated for the supreme effort they put into their skating and in getting sponsors. The residents of Ek Point and district can be commended for their financial support of this fund-raising project.

The money raised by the Skate-a-thon will be used to help pay the bank loan for the arena.

The following are the skaters who took part and the results: Barry Anderson, 67 laps, :67.00; Leigh Babcock, 69 laps, $69.00; Lorn Berg, 88 laps, $92.73; Melvin Beiber, 75 laps, $30.75; Tony, Bochon, 72 laps, $143.12; Allan Buck, 91 laps, $22.00; Eugene Buck, 65 laps, $128.00; Ed Buck, 72 laps, $127.04; Jeff Buck, 58 laps, $99.54; Cindy Ewasiuk, 48 laps, $13.44; Alf Fakely, 60 laps, $400.20; Glenn Flanders, 74 laps, $23.68; Debbie Gozjolko, 55 laps, $113.30; Gary Grykuliak, 61 laps, $18.91; Glenna Grykuliak, 27 laps, $54.27; Gordon Grykuliak, 65 laps, $72.80; Craig Hellquist, 74 laps, $11.84; Mark Hellquist, 62 laps, $10.54; Tova Hellquist, 42 laps, $10.08; Audrey Holiday, 62 laps, $135.68; Tim Holliday, 73 laps, $64.40; Lance Isert, 58 laps, $17.69; Bruce Jacobson, 57 laps, $17.10; Anton Kaprowski, 79 laps, $26.07; Angela

Kondla. 46 laps $17.25;

Darrell Kryvenchuk, 41 laps, $18.04; Lynn Kryvenchuk, 42 laps, $15.54; Andrea Loren- son, 68 gaps, $138.72; Denise Maas, 40 laps, $38.00; Kris Ann Maas, 35 laps, $31.50; Kathy May, 68 laps, $40.12; Brent Mudryk, 68 laps, $48.28; Cindy Mudryk, 54 laps, $16.74; Lonnie Mudryk, 90 laps, $22.50; Wendy Mudryk, 55 laps, $52.80; Richard Nelson, 54 laps, $44.82; Ricky Pankiw, 80 laps, $120.00; Wesley Potts, 55 laps, $35.75; Tom Seal. 79 laps, $48.19; Maureen Stewart, 44 laps, $12.76; d Soldan, 77 laps, $198.27; Margaret Soldan, 51 laps, $51.00; Beverly Topilka, 61 laps, $78.69; Dwayne Yaremkewich, 73 laps, $21.90; Wend Yaremkewich, 55 laps, $30.25; Darcy Younghans, 63 laps, $31.50.


Card of thanks

My appreciation is extended to the Lions Club of Elk Point who sponsored the Ice Carnival Queen Contest, and to my campaign managers, Mr. Jim Young and Mr. Tahkar.

I offer best regards to the princesses and the acknowledgement to their worthy efforts. Also thanks to everyone who contributed to my winning the competition. Thanks for the lovely bouquet of roses and bracelet. To represent Elk Point Ice Carnival Queen of 74 was a pleasure.

Thankyou Esthea Buksa




Card of thanks

ELK POINT — We, the princesses of the 1974 Elk Point Figure Skating Carnival extend our sincere appreciation to all the people who supported each of us, to our campaign managers, and to the Lions Club for enabling us to participate in the excitement of the Carnival Queen Contest.


Elaine Nelson, Eliza Fryingpan, Suzan Bartholemew, and Linda Swedgan