by Linda Ference
During the 1976-77 season we had sixty-four skaters in the club, four of them in the CFSA program, taking private lessons. We had a new pro-a young girl from Bonnyville, Wanda Ewonawich. She did a tremendous job and our skaters all advanced rapidly. Our carnival theme was "It's a Rainbow World". Groups of skaters in different coloured costumes performed to music. It was a very nice show with a full-house crowd. The Lion's Club sponsored the queen contest and supplied the clowns. Betty Melnyk was crowned carnival queen. Our annual skate-a-thon brought in just over $1,100.00, which was turned 9ver to the Agriculture Society.
1977-78 saw us with a larger registration-a total of eighty-eight skaters, with Wanda Ewonawich teaching again this year. The skate-a-thon was a real success, bringing in approximately $2,200.00. We have started working on our carnival to be held at the end of February. This year's show is called "Let's Dance!" and will have different dances from various countries. With the variety of costumes and music it should prove to be the best show yet, especially with such a large club. At this time I am pleased to say that each year our club is improving and prospering-and is anxiously awaiting the artificial ice.
LEFT SIDE:Tracey, Stewart Desiree Laura Thir Fedorus Aurelia
Denise Moneta Maas Grykuliak Km Melanie Maas Michael Boratynec Higgins
1977 Carnival - Theme Let's Dance" When my Blue Moon Turns to Gold Again
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT Linda Ference, President at the Elk Point Figure Skating Club br 1976-77, and 1977-78 seasons
Wanda Ewonowich, the club professional instructor for the 1976- 77 and the 1977-78 seasons
Cindy Ewasiuk, Boverly Topilki, Carol Babcock, Leslie Gadowski, Karen Derewynka, Michelle Fedorus and Lisa Gadowski.
FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Debbie Gozjolko, Andrea Lorenson, Wanda Buck and Wendy Mudryk.