Jan 18/11 E. 0. Boyd, telegraph operator at Elk Point, spent Nev/ Years Day in Vermilion
Lawrence Disher of Hopkins suffered last week from a severe attack of acute indigestion.
P.J. Keitges of Hopkins arrived in Vermilion on the 2nd after a bad trip, with both cheeks and his nose badly frost-bitten.
Feb.1/11- -E.S. Bullis of Elk Point arrived in Vermilion on the 22nd.
E.O. Boyd of Elk Point visited Vermilion Tuesday.
Miss Jennie Stockwell of Hopkins is speeding some time visiting Vermilion friends.
John and Wm. Chillbeck of Moose were in Vermilion for freight for T.E. Clydesdale's new store at that point on the 19th.
Feb,8/11-J. Keller of Northern Valley who has been in the southern part of the province for the past three weeks, returned homo Monday. Before leaving for the north he had his name added to the Standard subscription list.
Feb..8/11 Elk Point-Boyd-Smith wedding,
Feb8/11 Elk Point literary society is in a flourishing condition. There is talk of a concert in the near future.
Sunday school is being held at the Elk Point school house every Sunday at 2 p.m. All are cordially invited to attend.
Feb. 15, 1911 - For Sale - Three well broken oxen, two milch cows and one bull coming 2 years old. E.C. Bartholomew, Elk Point, S.E. 14-57-7.
Elk Point, Feb 22/11 -A dance will be held at the home of Mr. Boos six miles north of Elk Point this evening.
A newspaper will be read at the Literary Society next Wed. evening. Everyone turn out and hear whet you have been doing and probably a good many things you have not done.
March 1/11-A large crowd was at the literary Society Wed. evening when a good program was listened to. The principal features were a recitation by Bruce Garrison, a newspaper read by Mrs. J. Smith, "A Son" by Mrs. Joe Mabley and a debate. Resolved that a Bachelor leads a happier and more useful life than an Old Maid. The bachelors came out ahead.
P.J.’ Keitjes and son Raymond spent several days this week at C. Hood's where he was hauling his slabs from the mill.
Luis Johnson is hauling the logs for a new house to be erected on Oscar Johnson's homestead, N.E. of 5.
Rev H. Day was called north of the Sask. R. this week. He will be absent over Sunday, but has made arrangements for the holding of the regular Sunday evening service at 7:30 p.m.
Mar. 13/11 -Mr. Beebe is moving his family on to his homestead east of Elk Point
The Literary Society ended its winter entertainment with a concert last week. It is surprising how much musical talent there is around Elk Point when we get together. The schoolhouse was crowded and all were well pleased with the music.
March 22/11-Geo. Martindale and Ira Willis from Iowa have taken homesteads north of Elk Point. The land around Elk Point is going fast but there are still some good homesteads left.
0. Graves is getting settled on his homestead northwest of Elk Point. Mr. Magnusson is hauling logs for a new house to erected on Henry Jacobson’s homestead.
A small cyclone struck Elk Point Monday evening and everything that was not securely fastened was carried away.
April 19/11 -Elk point will have 2 mails a week beginning the first of May. They cannot come too often.
Elk Point school opened four weeks ago with Mrs. Chas, Hood as temporary teacher until a regular qualified teacher can be secured. Seventeen pupils are in regular attendance and are very much interested in their work. New settlers are arriving every week. Rumors say a doctor is going to locate in Elk Point. We were very glad to hear it.
April 19, 1911 - New settlers are arriving every week. Rumors say a doctor is going to locate in Elk Point. We were very glad to hear it.
April 26/11-Northern Valley- -Born co Mr. and Mrs. J, Keller, April 12, a twelve and a half pound daughter.
June 2, 1911 - Somebody has reported a new breed of flea; it differs from the ordinary now-you-see-me, now-you-don't flea, in the size of the red mark where the lump is raised; and it is said that when it bites it growls.
June 14/11-G. Shortridge returned during the week from tie Southern States where he spent the last six months. He is looking exceptionally well but is more than pleased to be back in Alberta. Mr. Shortridge says that if he could convince the people down south that the conditions up here are what they are, that he could bring 200,000 settlers in six months. They are all anxious to move but skeptical regarding the statements- regarding western developments.
The Dog Rump Creek Social Club are holding the 4th Annual 4th of July celebration on S.E. 3 in 57-7, four miles north of Hopkins ferry. $50.00 is to be given in prizes and a big day's sport is assured. See posters and go and take your dog.
Aug. 23/11 O.J. Fish of Elk Point has been enjoying a month's visit from his father and mother and an aunt from Soudan, Kansas. They left for home today. Mr. Fish is 80 years old but does not look more than 65.
Nov. 15/11- The Messrs. Caskey of Caskeyville purchased a sawing and chopping outfit last week which they will operate north of the river.
Jan. 21/11-A few of the parties interested in the welfare of the Richland school gathered to cut logs and erected a first-class stable on the grounds last week. The most successful basket social in the history of Richland district School District was held in the schoolhouse Fri. Jan. 16. Then dancing commenced at 8 p.m., there was a very large crowd present, the light fantastic continuing until midnight when the well filled baskets of all shapes and colors were auctioned off at good prices. The sum of 46.00 was taken to go toward a library. The committee wish to thank the ladies for their hospitality and the gentlemen for the liberality.