2002 Building the Trail

2002 Building the Trail

The Spring of 2002 started with a lot of planning to get the expanded Iron Horse Trail open and operating. We formed new partnerships with the 10 municipal entities that became NE Municorr, and openned discussions on how we could operate a trail with them. This was to become a 20 yr Licence of Occupation.

In the background the Municipalities worked on the land transfer from CN to NE Municorr.

In July we met with a provincial interdepartmental committee of the provincial government to see how we might work with the Province of Alberta. An application for funding as the Iron Horse Trail Product Club was sent to  the Canadian Tourism Commission. We worked with the RCMP on how they might police the area and they got training going for their members. Bombardier made a quad available for patrols. All the while work continued on designing the trail and planning for construction of various needed amenities.

As fall arrived many new and old partners worked on mutually benifical events that moved all our organizations along to meet our goals. A lot was going on in every municipality and things were getting done. 


Last Telegraph Pole (on the right of way as we got it )

2002 Pages to check out

Spring 2002 News Stories

Forming NE Municorr

Fall 2002

Smoky Lake Meetings 2002

Trail History Day and Advisory Council Tour

Fur Ball Elk Point

MD of Bonnyville Meeting

Provincial Efforts

We will add to this page as more material is found.


Download these 2002 Presentations to see more of out planning and events.