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Shortt Margret Rose
» 2011 TCT bike the IHT
Locally supported by:
Last Names with A B
Babenek, Fred
Bjorneskaret, Arne
Aarbo Donna
Aarbo Martin
Aarbo Ray
Algot CA
Andrishak Doris Ellen
Andrishak Fred
Andrishak Joanne
Andrishak Peter
Andrishak Steven
Atkins Ken
Babenek Nettie
Babey Sylvia
Baker Charlene Gay (nee Scaife)
Bandurak Annie
Bartling August J
Bartling Lloyd August
Bartling Margaret C
Barwick Ronald Sidney
Bazian Bertha
Bazian Ross Eugene
Beattie Robert E. (Bud)
Beazley Kenneth
Belter Florence A
Bender Erika
Berg Arvid R
Berg Leonard
Bespalko Carrie Charity
Bespalko Mary J
Bespalko Tracey Ann
Bespalko William (Bill)
Bjornstad Elmer
Bochan Nick A
Borowsky Ila Mae (nee Markstad)
Borowsky Max F.
Brodziak Randy Michael
Bromley Charles
Brown Frank Adolph
Brown Hedley James CD
Brussiere Jean-Paul
Bucharski Katie
Buksa Edward
Buksa Tashka
Butner Betty
Butner Myrtle Irene
Last Names with C D
Cabaj Ted Leo
Capjack Olga
Chomlack Mary
Conrad James Frank
D'Hulster Sylvia Martha
Dacyk Jeannie (Jean)
Darling Morgan Lloyd
Dembicki Julia
Demchuk Dan
Demchuk Mike R
Derewynka Mike
Dilts Grace Elma (nee Maxwell)
Dorey Geoffrey
Douglas Gladys Hazel
Drobot Gladys
Drobot John
Drobot Steve
Duncan Donald
Last Names with E F
England Harold Herbert MD
Evtushevski John
Evtushevski Maud Nesta
Evtyshevski Eugenia
Ewasiuk Raymond
Ewasiuk Raymond
Farkash Helen
Fedechko Rose
Ference Bill
Ference Joe
Ference John
Ference Larry Walter
Ference Linda (nee Kepke)
Ference Peter
Ference Steve
Flanders Ronald Adair
Fontaine Helena (nee Jean)
Freson Doreen (nee Stults)
Frisby Gertrude Irene
Last Names with G H I J
Gancer Henry
Goldsmith Inger (Linnea)
Haglund Gertrude
Hall Ivan
Hammond Raymond
Hawryluk Mike
Heineman Karl
Heinemann Anastasia (Nancy) nee Zarowny
Heinemann Russel Todd
Henderson John Wayne
Hines Gerald
Holthe Sidney A
Hubert Alice
Isert Cameron
Iwashko John
Jacobson George
Jacobson Irene
Jasinsky Amelia
Jendruk Stanley
Johnson Bob
Johnson Patrick
Josul Daniel
Vernon Gray
Last Names with K L
Kalynchuk Steve
Keck Barry Jacob
Keck Doug John
Keck Henry (Harry) Jacob
Keitges Juanita
Kinjerski (Falenda) Mary
Kondla Christopher Ryan
Kondro (nee Lampert) Donna Lee
Kozicky Rudy
Kozina Katherine
Krawchuk Robert (Bob) Harry
Kristjanson Stacey Lynn
Krochmal Edward (Eddy)
Kruse Nick
Kryvenchuk Deric Sankey
Kulczycki Joeseph
Kuziw Lena
Lambie Eunice Arlene
Larson Keith Wesley
Laughlin Calvin Lauder
Laughlin Gary Joseph
Lawrence Colette Matilda
Lemecha Florence
Lemecka Larry
Lesyk John Donald (Donny)
Lesyk Mike
Lien Grace
Lillemoen Lorne Anthony
Lindquist Florence
Linkewich Joesph
Linkewich Mike
Linkewich Stella Maria
Lorenson Audrey Marie
Lorenson Fredrick Oliver
Lotoski Elsie P
Lovell Philip Ernest
Lyttle (McGinnis) Margaret Reid
Last Names with M
Maas Peggy
Maas Ross Henry
Mack Steve
Magnusson Irene Edith
Magnusson Vernon Wade
Maksymuik Michael
Marcoux Noel
Martin Fred
Martin Olea Fedorus
Martin Rose Ann
Masse Charles Alfred
Matheson Donald
Matheson Nancy
May Shelley Lynne
McAleese Fred Alexander
McBroom Deven Dale
McEwan James (Jim)
McEwan Peter Lloyd
McFadyen Barrie
McFadyen Malcolm Robert
McFadyen Violet E
McGinnis Arthur Raymond (Dick)
McGinnis Florence Lillian
McGinnis Ken
McNamee Charles Bernard
McNeilly Sir Keith Dr
Melin Irene
Melnyk Onufer
Melynk Mike
Metrunec Lawrence (Larry)
Milholland Barbra Louise
Milholland George Wesley
Milholland William
Miller FG Dr
Centennial Award 1967
Church Cornerstone
Curling in Elk Point
Dr FG Miller Medical Awards
Dr FG Miller Recognition
Owen Sound
Physician of Century
Miller Gordon
Miller Irene Florence (nee Kroening)
Miller KC Dr
Mistol Mary
Modin Lawrence
Molnar Joseph
Moneta Frank
Moneta Minnie (nee Ruzycki)
Moroziuk Marshall Eugene
Morusyk Fred
Myshaniuk Nick
Last Names with N O
Nazarchuk Eva
O'Driscoll Roger Ronald
O'Kane Edward William
Olson Alvin Gordon
Onusko Ron
Orr Clayton Elden Phillip
Orr Debbie
Orr Gerald Gordon (Jake)
Last Names with P Q R
Palinka Mike
Pankiw Diane
Pankiw John
Pankiw Virginia Jane
Pankow Rosalia
Parker Elliott
Pelech Mike
Pelechosky Dorothy
Peters Mary
Peterson (Aarbo) Audrey Ann
Petrosky Jillian Rebecca Lisette
Phillips Selena Elizabeth
Pinder Donald Everett
Pinder Paul Kenneth
Poitras Joseph (Fred)
Poulin Eddy
Poulin Sandra
Proskiw Willie
Prusak Harry
Prusak Mary
Rushfeldt Nellie
Russell Genevieve
Ruzycki Paul and Marie
Rylance Allister
Last Names with S T U V
Sass Lilly
Scott (nee Marcy) Ada Clara Helen
Scott Victor James
Scraba Nick
Semen Pauline
Shankowski Walter
Sheplawy Annie
Sheplawy Mike
Sheplawy Phillip
Shesky Chester
Shewchuk Ronald
Shmyr Steve
Shortt Margret Rose
Silver Willie
Slywka Allen J
Slywka John
Smerchinski Peter
Smereka Connie
Smereka Helen
Smith Bobbie Brian
Smith Marion Lucille
Soldan Mary
Soroka Kris
Stafford Pete
Stepa Lena
Stetsko Dan
Stewart Bryan
Stone Margret
Stratford James Lawrence (Larry)
Sumpton Bea
Swedgen Cecile M.
Swedgen Orville
Swedgen Samuel Irvin (Sam)
Thompson Edna May
Tredger Marion Alexina
Tremblay Dawn Marie
Uchman Johnnie Stan
Verhagen Louis (Little Fiddler)
Last Names with W X Y Z
Wichmann Freda
Woytkiw Rose
Woytowich Jenny
Wruth Brian Lee
Yaremkevich Walter
Yaremkewich John
Yettaw Ken
Yewchin Peter
Young Alice Helena
Young Elro Duncan Bauld Dr
Young Estella
Young Gary
Zacharuk Domka
Zacharuk Eddy Victor (Ed)
Zalasky Norene
Zaoaryniuk Mary
Zaraska Walter
Zarowny Elizabeth
Zarowny John (Jack) Peter
Zarowny John
Zazulak Andy
Homesteader List of the Elk Point Area
Homesteader List Page 1 A
Homesteader List Page 2 B
Homesteader List Page 3 Bs
Homesteader List Page 4 B
Homesteaders List Page 5 C
Homesteader List Page 6 C
Homesteader List Page 7 D
Homesteader List Page 8 E to F
Homesteader List Page 9 F to G
Homesteader List Page 10 G
Homesteader List Page 11 H to I
Homesteader Page 12 H to I
Homesteader List Page 13 J
Homesteader List Page 14 K
Homesteader List Page 15 L
Homesteader List Page 16 L
Homesteader List Page 17 M
Homesteader List Page 18 M
Homesteader List Page 19 N to O
Homesteader List Page 20 P to Q
Homesteader List Page 21 R to S
Homesteader List Page 22 S
Homesteader List Page 23 T to U to V
Homesteader List Page 24 W X Y Z
Pioneer Families arriving before 1920
Aarbo Jens
Aarbo Tom
Anderson Rolf
Appleton William
Arnold Grant
Arnold, Katherine
Arnott Eric
Babcock John Wesley
Babcock, Leo
Bartee Tom
Bartling Charles Hermin
Bergstom Waldemar
Boos Clarence
Boratynec George
Boyd Ed
Brooks Robert
Bugera Nick
Bullis Joseph
Capjak Michael
Carpenter John
Caskey Jesse
Chamberlain Margret
Chandler Robert
Chilbeck John
Chilbeck, Arthur
Chilbeck, William
Cinnamon Hugh
Day Harry
Dembicki Kazymir
Dembicki, Carl
Demchuk Steve
Diamond Harry
Dunkin William Louis
Edwards Barney
Ewasiuk Mike
Fish Orlo Jason
Gibson, Seth
Hannah, Anson
Heinemann, Ernest
Hobden, John
Holley, John Erwing
Holliday, Alma
Holthe, Oscar & Caroline
Hougland, Mel
Howe, OS
Jacobson, Ole Martin
Jacobson, Joseph Vincent
J. V. Jacobson
Jenkins, Richard
Jepson, Marinus
Johnson CA
Johnson Lars and Sophie
Johnson, Arthur
Johnson, Oscar
Swanson Nels
Keitges, Frank
Keitges, Peter J
Keller, Bill
Keller, Joe
Kepke, Edward
Lambright, Jesse
Laughlin, Loyola Odonivan
Lawrence, Hardy J
Lien, Kore
Lindquist, Alex
Loftus, Martin and Mabel
Lorenson, Jack
Lorentzen, John
Lundgren, Albert
Lungren Axel
Macdonald, Murray
Magnusson, Charlie
Magnusson, Clifton
Maksymec, Theodore
Markstad, Charles John
Martindale, George
McGinnis, Aurther Dillion
McKay, William
McLean, Hugh
McLean, Angus and Margret
McQuillan, Hugh
Melnyk, Onufrey and Jessie
Merrick, Ira
Miller, FG Dr
George Miller (Calgary Magazine)
The Homesteading Proposition
Miller, KC
Millholland, Bill and Barbara
Millholland, William H and Elizabeth
Moneta, Frank
Monkman, Alfred James
Moren, Peter J
Musijowski, Joseph
Nelson, Carl M
Nelson, Edwin V
Nelson, Warren
Noble, Irvin
O'Kane, Henry James
Palinka, Myketa and Anna
Pankiw, Alex and Katie
Pelech, Nick
Photos of Early Pioneers
Pinder, Frank
Plante, Hercules
Plummer, Francis Marion
Poloway, Peter and Sophie
Poole, Jess
Povaschuk, Bazyl
Ramsbottom, Henry James
Sand, Herman
Saranchuk, William
Schancel, William
Selland, Olaus
Seniuk, John
Seniuk, William
Shortridge, George
Shymkiw, Peter
Slywka, Nick
Slywka, William
Smith, Court
Smith, Courtland DeForest
Smith, Lester L
Soper, Walter
Springsteel, Arly
Springsteel, Theodore
Stepaniuk, Kiryk
Stetsko, John and Maria
Stuparyk, Alexander
Tofan, John
Yewchin, Dymtro and Anna
Yewchin, Peter
de Delley Louis
Families arriving after 1920
Andrishak, Mike
Andirshak, Steve
Andrishak, William
Bartling, Augie AJ
Bauman, John
Beebe Dalton (Del)
Berg, Leonard
Bespalko, Mike and Mary
Boyko, Metro
Conrad, Joseph
Davis, George Winters Sr
Elk Point Photos of 1920s
Ference, John
Ference, Bill
Ference, John Jr
Ference, Steve
Fitzsimmons, Jack and Luella
Flanders, Harry Clifford
Flannigan, Gordon
Graves, Orvill Curtis
Hegarty, James
Hellquist, Karl Gustav
Hnybida, Petro
Keck, Henry (Harry)
Mah, Joe
McDonell, J. Eugene
Millar, James Love
Miller, Mike
Palynchuk, John
Peterson, Roy
Photos of Life in the 1920s
Pilisko, Walter
Potts, Andy
Rockwell, William
Roman, Ferdinand
Ross, AG
Ross, Ed
Ruzycki, John
Scott, Edmond
Scott, Ernest and Grace
Scott, Victor and Etta
Scraba, Nick
Soldan, William
Sribney, John
Yaremkevich, John and Anne
Zenko, William
Arrivals after 1930
Darroch, David and Nellie
Fenton, Neil
Field, Grant
Gibson, S
Hoard, Percy
Knuff, Will
Life in the 1930s
Male, Sidney Vernon
Marshall, Sam
McAleese, James
Nelson, OK
Pawlyk, Kost
Pelechosky, Dorothy
Prusak, Harry and Mary
Stepa, Paul
Vaughan, Helena Sarah
Young, Earl
Arrivals during the War and after - 1940s
Andriaschuk, John
Beattie, Bud
Bochon, Nick
Didow, David
Habiak, John
Modin, Lawrence
Petrosky, Paul and Helen
Photos of 1940s
Skolarchuk, Walter
Arrivals of the 1950s
Adam, Rev Wellwood A
Barwick, Ron
McFadyen, Gordon and Violet
Photos of life in 1950s
Riemer, Ralph
Arrivals in the 1960s
Schuhmacher, Bill and Alvina
Land Ownership
Lien Kore
Smyl Florian
Billie Milholland
Living in the Shed: Alberta's North Saskatchewan River Watershed
Irene Magnusson Just Yesterday
Flash Backs by Margret Bartling
Steve Andrisak introduction
The Descendants of William and Mary Andrishak
Steve's Museum News Scrapbook
My First Glimpse of Elk Point
Early Agricultural Fairs
Early farm marketing
Early harvesting and threshing
Elevator History
Farm Scenes
Pioneer Farm Equipment
Early Auctioneers
Early Blacksmiths: A Lost Art
Early District Stores
Early Hotels and Restaurants
Early Merchandising
Early Phone System
Old Flour Mill
Weekly Newspapers
Early Elk Point
Coming of the Settlers
Early Pioneer Homes
Elk Point before 1930
Excerpts from the Past
Main Steet 1937
Main Street 1948
Old Elk Point 1922
The Early 50s
Early Entertainment
4th of July Celebrations
Early Stampedes
Elk Points Movie Star
Ghosts of Halloweens Past
Green the Magician
Motion Pictures
Old Fashioned Christmases
Old Swimming Pool
Early History of the area
Fort George 1794
Frog Lake Massacre 1885
Fur Trade Artifacts
Medicine Man
Remembering the Northwest Rebellion
Early Lindbergh 1930
Country Schools
Fate of Country Schools
School Days
Good Old Days
Early Household Needs
Early Statistics
Pioneer Homes and Builders
Styles of 1918
Things No Longer In Use
Toys of Yesterday
Interesting Events
Depression of 1930s
Early Fires in Elk Point
Elk Point’s Biggest Celebration
Flu Epidemic of 1918-1919
Friendship Trains
Royal Visit of 1939
The Long Hard Winter 1920
Tragedy in Elk Point
Turkey Sale
Violent Storms
Interesting People
A Man of Many Trades
Early Law: Robert E. Chanler
Joe Mah
Ma Caskey
Seth Gibson
Thomas Alva Edison
Medical Service
Dr Weigerinck
Elk Point's First Municipal Hospital
Elk Points First Hospital
FG Miller
Health Remedies
Two Worthy Pioneer Doctors
North Saskatchewan River
Eagle Cliff
River Gold
River Scenes
River crossings over the North Saskatchewan River
Other Columns
Alberta Salt Company
Early Currency
First Curling Rink
Sporting Events of the Past
Coming of the Automobile
Coming of the Railroad
Crossing the River by ferry
Elk Point's water supply
Mail Service in Elk Point
Model T
The Old Steam Train
Mina Giebelhaus “Days Gone By”
Elk Point Hospital Staff Reunion 2008
F.G. Miller
The Homesteading Proposition
Harry Day Photos of NWT
Harry L Day Series 1 - Fort Simpson 1907 - 1909
Harry L Day Series 2 Hay River 1907 - 1909
Harry L Day Series 3 Miscellaneous NWT 1907 - 1909
Harry L Day Undocumented Miscellaneous NWT 1907 - 1909
JG "Gay" Heffernan
Early Days
Publication Data
Going West, 1911
Kuroki, Saskatchewan
Army Life
Battle of Lens
Epilogue - 1919
Letters of William (Billy) Wolfe 1910
Our Town: Past and Present 1948
How Elk Point got its name
Places of Historical Interest
Town Groups 1948
Some Early Settlers
Early Trails
Record of Firsts
Country of Origin
Life in Pioneer Days
Teachers 1948
Unusual Incidents
Young Peoples Club
Tom Johnson
Tom Johnson's Early Ledgers
Tom Johnson's Later Ledgers