Schuhmacher, Bill and Alvina


by Alvina Schuhmacher

Upon learning that Elk Point was in need of an electrician, through a friend, Alvin Magill who at the time was the service man for Alberta Power in Elk Point, we decided that this might be a good place to live. Up until this time Bill had been working for Radio Electric in Lloydminster.


Bill and Alvina Schuhmacher in front of their appliance store.

In April of 1963 we were able to rent the building which is now known as the Elk Point Bakery, from Frank Miller. We had just purchased our 1955 Chevrolet van and our supplier generously let us charge some necessary electrical material.

The building was not really suitable to live in, so I and the children Brian, five; Monica, four; and Margaret, one, stayed back. We had set up a sort of housekeeping in the back room for Bill and his helper Mike Russ - the front part we could use for a storage and office, and we were officially in business. Lo and behold, if the very first day did not bring a customer! Mrs. Tredger's washing machine would not work. We were truly on our way.

In May we were able to rent a house from Mark Krevenky, one of the local building contractors. Bill ran his contracting out of our home. It was during this time our fourth child, Marlene, was born, August 22, 1964. In January of 1967 we bought Mark Krevenky's home and lived in it until July, 1971, at which time we had heard that Slave Lake was having a real boom.

We purchased a home in Slave Lake and Bill continued running his electrical contracting out of our home. It was in April of 1972 that our second son, Richard, was born. In August of 1974 we moved to Bellis where we lived with my mother and Bill continued his electrical business in that area.

In July of 1975 we purchased Fred's Furniture and Appliances, where we are now. Bill still runs his wiring and the girls and I look after the store.

Brian, our eldest son who is a fourth year apprentice, helps his dad. Our daughter Monica who has graduated from the F. G. Miller High School works there now while her younger two sisters, Margaret and Marlene, attend the school. Richard, now six years, is on his way to the Elk Point Elementary School next year.

Elk Point is a very pleasant place to live and one only has to move away to fully appreciate what our town has to offer.