Arthur Johnson came from Vermont by way of Minnesota to homestead N.W. 17-57-6-W4. Like many of the bachelor homesteaders, he was known only to a small circle of friends and neighbors. He could be depended upon to come and help in any emergency, as well as at threshing time.
He farmed quite a few acres for his maintenance. If part of the grain was channelled through his "still", it was strictly for his own consumption, purely medicinal. His statement that a "still" would never be found on his place was quite true as his was kept across the fence on his neighbor's!
Perhaps less well known to others, but of greater importance to Arthur than his "still" was his special calf feeding project. Each year for several years he selected a Hereford calf from among his small crop and fed it only sour whole milk. These calves seemed to escape the digestive upsets others often have, and they gained very rapidly. He pail fed them for a year and then sold them to the University of Alberta.
A heart attack was the cause of his death.