by Harold
Jack and Luella Fitzsimmons arrived in Elk Point in 1928 where Jack was employed as a grain buyer for the Alberta Wheat Pool. They had a family of seven children, five sons and two daughters. There was Dora, the eldest, Russell, Edward, Luella (Ella), Thomas, Harold and Jimmy. For eight years they lived a normal life. After the tragic, accidental death of their father on August 4, 1936 the life of the complete family changed.
Mrs. Fitzsimmons and family moved to Camrose in August, 1936 where for a year Dora went to Normal School. The rest of the family attended school. After Dora's graduation Mrs. Fitzsimmons moved with the family to St. Paul, Alberta.
Mrs. Fitzsimmons married Dick Travis in Edmonton in 1942. They lived in St. Paul where they operated a machine business for years. Later they sold out and moved to Vancouver where they lived for nine years. They moved back to Edmonton where they owned and operated a grocery store. Later Mr. Travis worked for Weber Real Estate until his retirement in 1961. They presently live in their own home.
Dora started her teaching career at Fern Chapel school out of Lindbergh, Alberta. She taught in several schools in the St. Paul district, Barrhead, Red Deer, and finally at Sylvan Lake. Dora continued her teaching until she retired in June, 1974 after serving for 37 years.
While teaching in Red Deer she married George Rozier of Sylvan Lake. Her husband, George, worked in the grocery business until he retired from the store in June 1969. He has continued straight grain farming. They now live in their farm home and enjoy gardening, travelling, and trailering.
Russell left Camrose for Winnipeg to stay with his Aunt Ethel. He worked in a bakery for a short time before joining the Navy as a boy seaman. He served during the Second World War. He retired after twenty-five years service. He now is in Real Estate and works in the florist business. Presently he is president of F.T.D. association.
Russell and wife, Norma, have one son, Thomas, and one daughter, Diana. Norma is a very talented person who still does radio and television programs on flowers and floral arrangements. She is kept busy managing their two florist shops in Victoria.
Russell's son, Thomas, graduated as an engineer and lives with his wife, Mim, and their two children in Vernon, B.C. Diana and her husband, Wayne, and family live in Vancouver. Wayne is in the construction business.
Edward completed high school at St. Paul. From there he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force and took training as a pilot. He served overseas during the war. While in England he married and made his home there. He flew for British European Airways and served as Captain for many years before his retirement in August, 1975.
Edward and Pam have one daughter, Anne. Unfortunately Pam passed away December 27, 1975. Anne and her husband Rodney presented Edward with a grandson on November 18, 1976.
Edward made a trip to Canada to visit the family in June, 1976. He promises to visit in June, 1977.
Luella (Ella) married Rick Mastel of Calgary early in the war. Rick Mastel was in the army and was killed overseas in 1945. Luella and husband Rick had one son, Ricky Jr. Luella and infant son lived in St. Paul for a time. Later she moved to Edmonton where she married Carl Turner.
Carl Turner worked for the Edmonton Journal for many years. They moved to Centralia, Washington where Carl worked in the daily paper for four years. They moved back to Edmonton for a short while before moving to Victoria where Carl is employed as a printer for the daily paper.
Rick Mastel graduated in Business Administration while living in Washington. He worked for Woodwards in Edmonton as assistant personnel manager and now lives in Calgary where he is personnel manager for Woodwards.
Rick and wife, Marnie, have two daughters. Marnie keeps busy sub-teaching as well as looking after her family.
Lu and Carl have two sons, John and James Turner. John recently graduated as an engineer and is employed in Abbotsford. John and wife Carol, were married on July 21, 1975. Son, James Turner, lives at home and is presently finishing high school.
Tommy Fitzsimmons joined the air force during the Second World War. After the war he took training as a printer in Red Deer. He worked in Montreal, Calgary, Edmonton for the Bulletin, Vancouver, Seattle and San Francisco. He is employed at the San Francisco Examiner now and has been for many years.
Tommy and wife Marilyn have a family of four children, one son and three daughters. The children are attending school.
Harold married the former Margaret Boisvert of St. Paul in September 1947. Harold and wife Margaret reside in Edmonton. Harold started his career at the St. Paul Journal. After working there for a short time he went to work for the Edmonton Journal. He has been employed there for thirty years and is now the Assistant Production Manager.
Harold and Margaret have four children, three sons and one daughter. Jack, Duane and Cheryl live in Edmonton, and the youngest son Ronald lives at home.
After finishing high school, Jack took three years of Telecommunications at N.A.I.T. and is now employed with Edmonton Telephones. Wife, Trudy, works as a secretary for E.B.A. Engineering.
Duane completed high school and worked for an iron works company for two years. He is now at home and attending University of Alberta taking psychology.
Cheryl completed high school and then toured Europe for four months. Upon her return she has worked as secretary for Tappendens. She is presently attending night classes at the University of Alberta in a Registered Industrial Accountant course.
Jimmy Fitzsimmons completed high school in Edmonton. He joined the navy and holds the rank of Chief Petty Officer. He is due to retire in a few years. He and wife, Marj, live in Victoria. Marj is employed in Real Estate.
Jimmy has two sons, David and Jphotos David graduated from high school in June 1976. Jim Jr. still has a few years to complete high school.