Vernon Gray

One Time Elk Point Resident Film Star Vern Gray On Way To Hollywood After Success In England (1957)

Vern Gray, quiet, handsome, friendly young man, looking wistfully at an old school house in Elk Point, while being interviewed by a “Journal” reporter seemed prouder of the fact that he attended school there and was back visiting friends in his home town than the honor and acclaim given him as a successful actor on his way to Hollywood from London.

The 27-year-old star of screen and television, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Raham, CNR Station agent who lived in Elk Point for twelve years, modestly related how his acting: ambitions had led him away from a family career of engineering.

One of four brothers, Vernon had been expected to follow in the footsteps of his seniors. He left Elk Point in 1947 for Windsor to take engineering, but his love for the stage enticed him to join the “Little Theatre” amateur drama group, immediately received recognition as a promising actor. From there he was invited to join Professor Altor’s Canadian Repetory Company, a professional group. Two years of drama study at the Irving Studios in New York followed to prepare him for England in 1951.

Vernon Gray and friends

Climbing the ladder of success from London to Hollywood, Vernon Gray, promising young screen and TV star, stopped en route, recently, in his home town of Elk Point and was photographed above in a natural friendly pose with some of his former school mates. On the left, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Tredger and daughter Susan, Vern Gray, Miss Paula Wiegerinck, Dr. K. C. Miller and Mr. John Williams, manager of the Salt Plant at Lindbergh.

Leaving entirely on his own, with no immediate prospects but confidence in his ability, Vernon got his first break while on a tour of the British Isles playing a lead role with an acting company. He was discovered and invited for screen tests with J. Arthur Rank and given his start in "A Day To .Remember”, co-starring with Joan Rice.

Since then, he has starred in six pictures and appeared in a number of stage and TV presentations. Among some of the pictures he filmed are “To Paris With Love”, appearing with Alec Guiness, one of his favorite actors; “Gold Express”, and “Barretts of Whimpole” with Jennifer Jones and Sir John Gielgud. Vernon Gray plays the lead role in the British Movie “Now and Forever” opposite Jeanette Scott. The picture has just been released in Canada.

During his stage and movie career, Vernon has been under contract with J. Arthur Rank, played for Associated British Films, was lent out to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and played in Paris, now on his way to Hollywood at the invitation of a leading producer to discuss terms for a possible engagement in the mecca of filmdom.

On his way to Hollywood, Vernon took some time to holiday, visiting South America, New York, Montreal, Vancouver and Elk Point.

The son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Raham who left Elk Point two years ago to take up residence in Montreal, Vernon changed his name to Gray for the screen. He was born in Saskatoon and brought to Elk Point where he attended school before leaving for Windsor and the picture world. He has three brothers who are all engineers.