Various Town Groups in 1948
Women's Auxiliary
The Elk Point Catholic Women's Auxiliary was first organized in September 1934 at Mrs P. Keigte's place. The first president was Mrs E. McDonell and the secretary was Mrs A. Bartling. They worked as an organization and raised money for church purposes. As a future organization they are planning to raise money for church purposes and for the support of the priest. The present officers are not active but are appointed temporarily when occasions arise.
Credit Union
The Elk Point Credit Union was first organized in the year of 1945. The first president was Mr. P.Petrowski. The union operated sucessfully until February 1948 when it was dissolved. Unless another union is organized we will have no credit union in Elk Point.
Tennis Club
The president of the tennis club is Mr. Blackmore. The tennis club was organized in 1948. They intend to build a tennis court behind the Legion Hall. The materials are on hand and some construction has be completed. The labor is voluntary. The fees will be about three dollars per person. The club already has several members; more are expected to join.
Hockey Club
The hockey club has been in operation for several years. The present coach is Mr. Harry Keck, while Steve Andrishak is the captain. Funds were raised at the beginning of the season and new uniforms were purchased. The club played on home ice as well as out of town. They attended a tournament at Vermillion and were defeated in the last game. There was no high school team this year due to the shortage of players. They hope to have a stronger and better team next year.
Curling Club
The curling club was first organized in 1941. It was started by charter members donating 10 dollars for the first fund. One hundred dollars was donated by the town. The rest of the funds were raised by yearly carnivals. The lunch room was built later. Dave Nelson was the first president. The present president is Mr. Beattie, the vice president is Mr. Keitges, while the secretary is Mr. J. Jacobson. They plan to build a larger rink in the near future with four sheets of ice. Bonspiels were held last winter and eight hundred dollars worth of prizes were given away. The Alberta Salt Co. Trophy. was won last winter by Mr. Caskey's rink of St. Paul. A ladies bonspiel was held. They had a Farmers Bonspiel, and several mixed bonspiels. The future aims are to promote good sportsmanship in our community. The trophy donated by the Elk Point Clinic in 1948 was won by the team skipped by John Morusyk.
The Elk Point sub-local of the was reorganized in 1940 The president elected was Mr Beattie. Their past accomplishments have been held along the lines of festivals, field days etc. Monthly meetings have been held along professional lines with the occasional speaker being present. The present executive is: Pres. Mr. R.E. Beat tie, Vice Pres. Mrs Howe, Sec. Mrs L. Sumpton, Press Correspondent Mr. J.V. Jacobson.
Chamber of Commerce
The chamber of Commerce was reorganized in 1945. Mr R.E. Beattie was elected president. The past accomplishments have been many such as:
(a) daily mail and train service | |
(b) the Dominion Bank | |
(c) railway completion | |
(d) new bridge when steal is available, | |
(e) roads from E.P. to Vermilion and from St. Paul to Salt Plant. | |
(f) planting of trees and beautification Campaignes | |
(g) gas. | |
(h) special edition in the Edmonton Journal. |
The present executive is:
Pres. Mr R.E. Beattie, | |
Vice Pres: Mr. C. Nissen, | |
Sec. J.V. Jacobson |
Women's Auxiliary of the United Church
The past accomplishments of the United Church Women's Auxiliary are raising funds by putting on teas, raffles, bazzars etc. The ladies have their monthly meetings every first Monday of the month. They discuss different ways of raising funds for different organizations. The present officers are: Pres. Mrs C.A. Johnson, Vice Pres. Mrs A Raham. Sec. Mrs. H Robertson.
The first Mayor of Elk Point was Mr Dave Nelson, who is still resides in Elk Point. And is manager of the Imperial Lumber Company. Mr. Carl Nissen now holds that position with a senority on the Council of five years. Deputy Mayor Harry Ramsbottom with two years and Mr. Mike Bartosyk who was recently elected.
The present aims are:
(a) to build a bridge over the creek on First Ave. West
(b) complete the grading of main street
Last year they purchased an acre of land east of the Clinic for a park. A bridge was built on Second Ave and a drainage system was constructed from the main road south to the CNR tracks.
An amusing incident occured this spring when an employee of the Council tried to make water run uphill.
Elk Point Casket Association
The Elk Point Casket Association was begun on July 3, 43. After considerable discussion it decided to get an Assoc. started. R Hitchcock was elected as President and A. Hain Sec. Treas. Three directors were elected: Leo Babcock for three years, Harry Smith for two years and H. Davis for one. Membership fees were set at 1.50 life and .50 to be paid on the death of a member. A member is a head of the family and this will include all up to the age of 21. If a member dies he is entitled to 40 dollars funeral grant. Directors R. Flanders, L Lambright, Leo Babcock. 103 members.
Social Credit Group
The President is Mr. F. Smith Jr. and the vice president is O.S. Butner. The secretary is Mr. D. Butner. They have forty members and expect to get more. They succeeded in getting a Treasury Branch and a justice of peace in Elk Point. The Bailiff is Mr. D. Butner. The Social Group has helped to raise the Old Age Pension also.
Canadian Legion
The President of the Canadian Legion is Mr. B. Keller of Spring Park. The Vice president is Mr. Hansen and the secretary is Mr. E. McDonnel. The Canadian Legion has built their new Legion Hall with the assistance of public subscriptions but due shortage of materials they did not get it finished in the same year. The hall is now finished inside and been given a coat of stucco. Their present plans are to put a fence around hall and plant a hedge. Flowers will also be planted and other kinds of shrubbery,
The Alberta Farmers Union
The President of Division 4 is Mr. H. C. Flanders. The secretary is Mr. Stogan of Smoky Lake. The A.F.U. has helped considerably in trying to get better prices for their produce. They are also working for a higher standard of living. They are planning to have one united union in Western Canada instead of having divisions. They also are trying close the grain exchange and have a standard price for all grains.