Vermilion Standard Elk Point News 1927


Angle Lake

July 7/27 Mr. & Mrs. Algot, Mrs. Borowsky, And Miss Helen Anderson  motored to Edmonton on Thursday to spend the holiday and attend the celebration.

July 28/27 - Angle Lake -The CPR. are pushing their work ahead quickly on their new line. The nearest town to Angle Lake is to be called North Bend (because of the bend in the R.R. there).

       Angle Lake was represented at the Edmonton exhibition by one citizen at least in the person of Mrs. Alex Borowsky.

       A dance in Elk Point was attended by the Misses Emily Borowsky, Ellen Algot and Harry Borowsky and Max Borowsky.

Sept. 1/27 - Angle Lake - C.P.R. have not accepted the names of North Bend or Monkman but have named the town themselves - Derwent, with no local significance.

Sept.22/27 - First train whistle heard in Elk Point.

Nov. 24/27 -Elk Point Purchase of a $25,000.00 debenture issue, offered by the Elk Point Municipal Hospital District, by the financial firm of Hunt, Kilburn Ltd. of Edmonton was completed on Saturday. In competition with various other firms, the Hunt Kilburn Co. succeeded in securing the issue which bears interest at the rate of 5 1/2% with the debentures maturing in 20 yrs. The funds are to be used for the erection of a new municipal hospital next spring in the Elk Point district which is in the northeast section of the province.