Items - Town Council Minute Book

July, 1943 - The town revolver has disappeared.

Nov. 18, 1943 - The Curfew Bell has been sold to Joe Mah, as a compressed sir whistle is now in use. It is agreed to pay H. Ramsbottom $1.50 a month for air for the Curfew Whistle.

Dec. 6, 1943 - A letter has been received from the War-Time Prices and Trades Board, stating that the maximum price of milk should be ll~ a quart, 6~ a pint.

May 1950 - Toilets have been tipped over in town, and it isn't even Hallowe'en. They are now set up, and the town policeman is advised to keep an eye on them.

Annual Meeting, 1957 - Fire Chief Pete Yewchin reports that the fire truck is almost on its last draw. Town Policeman Harry Keck states that teen-agers in Elk Point are better behaved than in any other town.

Feb.1959 - Dr. A.G. Ross is to act as Civil Defense Director.

Feb. 8, 1960 - Colored lights have been installed in the town, and a star put on the water tower.

Late 1960 - Canned pork given away by the government to Old Age Pensioners is being dispersed by the town under Mr. F. Kryvenchuk. (Some still on hand in 1961).

1963 - Old timers were offered the use of the Court House for a "friendly game of cards", but this offer has been refused.

Dec.30, 1963 - The ever-present leak in the water tower has been temporarily checked with cornmeal.

June 29, 1964 - It is thought by some that prisoners in the Court House are being fed too well. It is moved that 50~ be paid for breakfast, and up to 75~ for dinner or supper.

Nov.29, 1965 - Mayor Habiak was asked to be present at the Band Concert on December 3, to say a few words in recognition of Gail Scraba, who was selected to represent Northern Alberta in the "Miss Canada Pagaent" in Toronto.

Dec.30, 1965 - Dr. Didow offered to donate a large council table for the new town office. (Offer accepted).

Nov.28, 1966 - It was decided to order 5000 Centennial badges to be sold at $1 each on May 31, at the Elk Point Voyageur Canoe Pagaent.

October, 1967 - The Centennial Bldg. was officially opened on October 14. As part of the program, Florence Poitras read her prize-winning Centennial essay.

Nov.13 - Mayor Habiak has been invited to a Centennial Banquet in Edmonton on November 17, where there is to be a film showing the Voyageur Canoe Pagaent.