Vermilion Standard Elk Point News 1921



W.J. Blair, M.P. of Provost, was the guest of the local board of trade on Wed. p.m. and evening. Mr. Blair came here at the request of the board to discuss the railroad question. A delegation consisting of the officials of the board met Mr. Blair. At 5:30 a banquet was served at which  26 local business men and pioneer residents were present. After the banquet Mr. Blair gave a highly interesting discourse on prevailing conditions of the country generally. Some statistics submitted by a few of the businessmen were also interesting. They proved the great need of a railroad through this district and although Mr. Blair could make no statement definitely, all feel thankful for his visit.

Nov. 9/21- We are favored with a bumper crop. Roads are fine. Mrs. P. Keitges, Ray Keitges, Mr. & Mrs. C.J. Markstad and Rev. J.B. Lorentzen and wife motored from Elk Point to Edmonton on Sunday Oct. 23 returning the following Tuesday. It was a most pleasant trip.

The case of Lars Johnson vs C.J. Markstad took place on Monday  Oct. 23. The judge was satisfied that Lars Johnson had started the trouble and brought upon himself the injuries sustained. He changed the charge to one of common assault and fined Mr. Markstad $25.OO. This was received at Elk Point by everybody's businessman pleasure and satisfaction as Mr. Markstad is a good and respectable business man of Elk Point.

July 27, 1921- Dr. F.G. Miller of Elk Point was in town Monday and reports crops in excellent condition in the north country. Present prospects are for an exceptionally heavy yield earlier than usual.

Sept.7,1921 Ad - B.C. Edwards Provincial Auctioneer of Mooswa Alta. The man who makes your Sale a Money Maker.