March 21/23 Mr. Townsend who had the Chas. Hood farm rented the past year is holding an auction sale on the 24th and will leave soon for his former home.
R.F. Keitges moved his store building recently purchased of D.J. O’Meara of Regina (formerly of Elk Point to a much better site on the First Street West. He expects to move his stock of general merchandise and hardware in at once and be in his new place of business in a short time.
Bullis Bros, have finished delivering a carload of wheat to St. Paul.
O.J. Caskey contemplates moving his cottage out to his farm southwest of town.
Mr. & Mrs. C.J. Markstad were St. Paul visitors Thursday.
April 12, 1923 - Ad - Touring Ford Car $445.00 Electric starting and lighting equipment $85.00 extra.
June 6/23 - Dr. Ross, McGill graduate is now practicing his profession in partnership with Dr. Miller of Elk Point.
June 20/23 - One half inch of rain fell on the 15th . Crops are looking good.
Mr. 0. Holthe has installed a new milking machine. Who's next?
Aug.29/23 Dr. Miller, accompanied by his little son George, are at Montreal visiting his parents. He will take a Post Graduate course at McGill before he returns.
C.J. Markstad and wife motored to Vermilion Sunday accompanied by Esther and Hattie who will proceed to Camrose to attend Normal the coming year.
Sept.5/23 - Born to Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Markstad on August 29, a daughter.
A farewell party for Harvey Fish was given last Thursday evening by his school mates and he left on Friday for Calgary where he will attend High School the coming year. He will Stay at the Sheriff Garnham home.
Miss Hattie Markstad is attending Normal in Camrose.
Oct. 31/23 Henry James Ramsbottom , a very highly esteemed citizen, passed away suddenly at his home south east of Elk Point on the morning of October 9. He was born on the island of Tasmania November 1865. He emigrated to London England when a small boy from which place he sailed for Canada in the spring of 1911, settling on his homestead where he resided to the time of his death. He leaves besides his wife, Adah, six children to mourn his loss. He was a teacher in the public school for two years and at the time of his death was secretary-treasurer of the municipality of Lincoln and trustee of the Elk Point School District. The funeral was held at the home and a large concourse of sorrowing friends followed the remains to its last resting place in the Elk Point cemetery. Rev. H.L. Day officiated. Mr. Ramsbottom was a man who was not for sale, was honest , sound from the centre to the circumference, one who stood for right, who told the truth and was not afraid to do so. The world needs more such men.
Dec. 19/23 - Mrs. Grant Arnold and children who spent a week at the P.J. Keitges home, departed for Cold Lake by motor on Friday. They will make their home there for the winter.
Mrs. J.S. Valentine and twin babies who have not very well are recovering.
Wm. Wolfe is a patient at the Lamont hospital.
Dec. 26/23 - The following young people are home for the Christman season
- Hattie Markstad, Hilda Jenkins----------