Jan. 31/17- residents of Elk Point and other districts north have taken up with the Vermilion board of Trade the matter of urging upon the Gov't the connecting of Landonville or Angle Lake with Elk Point by telephone thus insuring direct connection instead of the circuitous route now via St. Paul and Vegreville. The link only requires about 10 miles of line and it is felt that this building would be a big increase in the volume of business be ween there points.
March 28/17 -The ladies of Richland and Elk Point served a light lunch in the hall at Elk Point on Sat. Mar. 10 in aid of the Red Cross fund. The sum cleared after paying expenses amounted to $14.00. Thanks are extended by the ladies for the use of the hall and to all those who helped with the work aiding the boys at the front.
May 30/17 -Mrs. Arnott of Elk Point who was so seriously injured a short time ago is reported to be on a fair road to recovery. Her husband, Corporal Arnott, is at the front. Mrs. Wolfe and Mrs. Plummer have taken care of the children since the time of the accident, so the Standard has been later informed.
The residents of Mooswa district are celebrating Dominion Day which falls on a Sunday this year, on Saturday, June 30th on the shores of Lake Whitney sec. 17-56-4. Ball games, races of all kinds, dancing, etc. constitutes the attractions, refreshments of all kinds on the grounds and large tents for bad weather. The president of the picnic association is H. Anderson with E.T. Evans secretary. All are invited and they are assured a good time.
July25/17-We regret to record the death of Mrs.-Chas. Markstad of Elk Point from cancer after an illness extending over a year. She succumbed on Sunday July 22nd at her home at Elk Point. All the members of the family being present. Mrs. Markstad was a woman of very estimable character and was held in the highest esteem by the whole community. She leaves to grieve a husband and 5 children. Funeral services were conducted at the home on Monday July 23 by the Rev. A.D. Argue after which interment took place in the Elk Point cemetery There were many floral tributes and the cortege was extremely large, evidencing the high esteem in which the deceased was held by friends and neighbors throughout the district and manifesting sincere sympathy for the bereaved family in its time of sorrow and trial.
Aug.1/17- Corp. Arnott who went overseas with the 194th Highlanders under Lt. Col. Craig, arrived in town a few days ago on a 3 months furlough to visit his wife who was so seriously injured in a runaway accident on their farm at Elk Point a few months ago and is now convalescing at the Vermilion district hospital. Corp. Arnott was on the firing line when the call reached him. The liner on which Col. Arnott returned to Canada was accompanied out of the danger zone by 4 or 5 destroyers. The people in England he states have settled down to a determination to win the war, and everyone, young and old, male and female, are doing their bit.
Sept. 12/17-The sixth annual fair of the Elk Point Agricultural Society was held on Friday and Saturday of last week, the attendance was large and the exhibits were particularity gratifying as was also that of dairy and home products and fancy work. The second day of the fair was devoted to sports and horse racing, the baseball match between Elk Point and St. Paul was the concluding feature of the day it being won by the home team by a score of 12 to 7. In the evening a dance was held in the hall which was largely attended and was a most enjoyable affair.
Oct. 31/17-There passed away at the family home at Elk Point. Alberta on Sat. Oct. 20 one of the oldest and highly esteemed residents of the district in-the person of Andrew Merrick at the age of 74 years.; He was a kind and loving husband and father and a good neighbor. Mrs. Merrick and family wish to thank the friends who so kindly helped during the/sickness and death of a loved husband and father.