Vermilion Standard Elk Point News 1909



May 19/09 – J. B. Caskey raised the roof of his house and now has a fine two-storey residence. The work was done by G.W.  Shortridge.

        A School District has been formed, in this Township and the schoolhouse is to be commenced immediately.

      S.H. Garnham has completed his residence on his homestead and has one of the largest houses in the district.

      A bridge was built last week over Dog Rump Creek by settlers. This has always been a dangerous place and a bridge is badly needed. A week ago Roy Caskey, while crossing the creek, had his team and wagon swept down stream and only by the help of settlers succeeded in saving the team. The wagon was badly damaged.

       There is a complaint against Land Guide that they are charging too much. A fee is now set - $7.00 per day for a party of not fewer than 3 persons. The settlors to provide all meals and stabling of the horses for the guide.

Sept. 1/09 (Intended for last week) Jess Lambright- has just made a trip to Veg, bringing his farm machinery home.

      Chas. Hood has just finished Ploughing about 40 A. on his homestead and will be ready for crop next year.

      Communion will be administered in the Presbyterian Mission the last Sunday in August, Rev Simons of Vermilion in charge.

      Miss Mary Smith met with an accident on Fri. while coming from Hopkins P.O. on horseback. The horse became frightened of a dog, her saddle turned, throwing her to the ground and breaking her collar bone.

      Mr. Markstad has just finished shingling a large two-story house on his homestead.

Dec 12/09 - Rev. H.LR Day minister of Church of England.

Dec.8/09-Mr.  Tom Aarbo was in town on the 1st for a load of supplies. One of his horses played out so he had to return without his load to get a fresh horse. He arrived again on the 7th and finally pulled cut for home on the 8th, making a total of 160 miles travelled.