Hi-lo Pressure Pad for bed ridden patients is presented to the hospital by the Hospital Auxiliary
LEFT TO RIGHT: Max Borowsky, board member (Mrs ) Violet McFadyen, auxiliary treasurer; (Mrs.) Ruth Vogel chairman Tom Beisheim, board chairman.
LEFT TO RIGHT: Diane Anderson publicity; Natalie Yarmuch, vice-president; Wasy Elaschuk, secretary Ruth Vogel, president; Violet McFadyen, treasurer.
(Mrs.) Joyce Nichyporuk presents a layette set for the Canteen Corner on behalf of M and J Clothing to (Mrs.) Ruth Vogel, auxiliary president.
Some of the members of the Elk Point Hospital Auxiliary.
BACK ROW, Left to Right Mae Booth Rodah Lorenson, Violet McFadyen, Evelyn Babcock, Wasy Elaschuk, Gunhild Nelson, Audrey Williner, Geneva Trefiak, Toots Hunt
FRONT ROW: Ruth Vogel, VickiStepa, Margaret Jacobson, Deanna Fakeley.
Some of the members of the Elk Point Hospital Auxiliary
BACK ROW, Left to Right: Lillian Ewasiuk, Lois Sharek, Pearl Bespalko, Pauline Pankiw, Audrey Lorenson.
MIDDLE ROW: Anne kates, Elsie Oryschuk.
FRONT ROW: Muriel Holthe, Lena Stepa, Natalie Yarmuch, Olga Ruxycki, Diane Anderson, Pearl Zarowny, Joslien Wannechko.
Volunteer High School Students, Denise Melnyk and Gwen Zayonce working in the Auxiliary Booth.