Fate of Country Schools

The fate of our Country schools

Paramount School (located 5 miles northwest of Elk Point) was purchased by Carl Zarowny and moved a short distance south where it was remodeled into a residence and is still standing on a farm owned by G. Kuhn.

Spring Park School (8 miles northeast) was moved to Allen Young's farm a mile or two east, now owned by the Dunhams.

King George School (5 miles south) This school was demolished and then salvaged lumber used to construct a machine shed on the Metro Stetsko farm a short distance to the north.        -

Muriel School (4 miles northeast) was moved to Elk Point where it was used as an Industrial Arts building. It was later purchased by Nick Kozicky and moved to his farm  where it became a machine shed.

Shamrock Valley School (6 miles northwest) was moved into Elk Point and made into a residence on 51 Avenue.

Gideon Lake School (10 miles southwest) was purchased by Clarence Algot and was  moved into Derwent where it became a shop building, which is still standing.

Willow  Range  School  (8 miles  southeast)  was bulldozed and burned at the site.

Middle Creek School (18 miles northeast) was moved to the Gamier Lake district and is currently used as a summer residence.

Fern Chapel School (16 miles northeast) still remains on its original location east of Ockerman's farm though no longer used.

Primula School (14 miles southeast) was sold to Mr. Hamden and moved to the Frog Lake district where it was made into a store building.

Bentley Lake School (15 miles northwest) was a log structure which was demolished and the logs moved to a nearby farm.

Northern Star School (14 miles southeast) was moved to the Derwent district where it was used as a machine shed by Dave Dutchak.

Yankee School (12 miles southeast)  was  reportedly moved into Derwent where it was first used as a church. Later it was used as a school bus shelter and still later was used to a nearby Derwent farm.

Whitney Lake School (18 miles east) was moved to Heinsburgh where it was used for school purposes.

Moose Creek School (10 miles east) was Lindbergh's first school. It was moved into Lindbergh in 1935 where it became Tom Johnson's Municipal Office. It was later used as a residence bv Mike Halowaychuk, and is now standmg on Ross Morris' property.

Swedeboro School (14 miles southwest) was moved into St. Paul and was remodeled into a shop building.

Kehewin School (17 miles northwest) was demolished on its site.

Pleasant Dale School (10 miles northwest) was demolished soon after it was closed.

Orvilton  School (9  miles west) was moved  into St. Edouard and made into a home.

Capitol School (12 miles southwest) was moved into Elk Point where it was remodelled and made into a residence.

V  Day School (16 miles northeast) was first moved southeast of the Frog Lake Massacre cairn, and was later purchased by Bob Smith, and moved to his farm where it became a garage.

Ferguson Flats School (15 miles northeast) now used as a community centre.

Lindbergh School was remodelled into a home by Ed Gregoraschuk.

Richland School (6 miles southeast) was moved into Elk Point and made into a residence by Fred Kryvenchuk.

Lake Eliza School (20 miles southwest) is still standing on its original location.

Angle Lake School (10 miles south) was reportedly move to the Vermilion district.

Cascade School (east of Kehewin Lake) as moved to a location to the east.

Our old country schools all played a vital role in their respective communities while they were in operation. Today, their original locations are unmarked. A plaque of some description would certainly help to preserve their past history.